ACV: Apple cider vinegar, commonly used to clarify hair
APL: Arm pit length
ASL: Ammonium lauryl sulfate, a common ingredient in shampoo
BAA: Big a** afro
Baggy method: Applying conditioner to the hair then wrapping it with saran wrap or covering it with a plastic/shower cap for an extended period of time
BC: Big chop, when women cut off all their chemically processed or heat damaged ends to attain fresh head of natural hair
BSL: Bra-strap length
CL: Chin length
Co-wash: Conditioner wash; washing hair with conditioner instead of shampoo
DC: Deep condition/Deep conditioner
Dry comb: Coming the hair while it is dry
EL:Ear length
EVCO :Extra virgin coconut oil
EVOO: Extra virgin olive oil
HEHH: Herbal essences hello hydration
Leave-in: Or leave in conditioner; conditioner that stays in your hair throughout the day/is not rinsed out after application
MBL: Mid back length
NL: Neck length
No-poo: Haircare regimens that don’t include the use of sulfate shampoo
PJ: Product junky (may also refer to ‘product junkyism’), a person addicted to buying new hair products
Poo: Shampoo
SL: shoulder length
Slip: Refers to the slipperiness of hair prior to detangling, which makes the process easier. Products are often spoken of in terms of whether or not they “give the hair slip.”
SLS: Sodium lauryl sulfate, a common ingredient in shampoo
TL:Tailbone length
TWA: Teeny, weeny afro
3A texture: Loose curls
3B texture: Tight curls
4A texture: Loose kinks/coils
4B texture: Tight kinks/coils
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